
Ecodesign Consultancy

In an era where sustainability guides consumer choices and corporate strategies, developing sustainable products according to Ecodesign criteria is today a real opportunity not to be missed and Chimica Hts' ecodesign consultancy services are designed to help companies in this path. Within a few years, Ecodesign development will also become an obligation established by the ESPR Regulation - approved recently - and will apply to almost all products placed on the EU market.


There is no development without sustainability. How to exploit the advantages offered by Ecodesign development?

Knowledge of the regulation in the approval phase and innovative processes allow us to create or redesign winning products also in terms of environmental performance.

The Ecodesign Regulation

Among the various EU regulations, the Ecodesign Regulation (ESPR) is a recently approved European regulation which will oblige products marketed in the EU to be developed according to Ecodesign criteria and to have a Digital Product Passport (DPP). This regulation, focused on reducing the environmental impact of products, will lead in the coming years to radical changes in the requirements required of almost all types of products on the market and this will require a reliable partner to navigate the complexities of this regulation and what it involves applying ecodesign criteria.

Ecodesign is basically the design and creation of products carried out with the aim of minimizing the environmental impact during the entire life cycle of the product, from the conception phase to the final disposal phase, passing through the various intermediate phases (supply of raw materials, production processes, transport, etc.).

The main element of the ecodesign process is the quantification of environmental impacts which is carried out using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as a key tool. The evaluation is not limited to the environmental aspect alone, but embraces the three dimensions of sustainability: environmental, social and economic.

ecodesign basato sulla sostenibilità di prodotti e processi

The product development method in Ecodesign

Ecodesign is a product and process innovation strategy, a real technical design (or redesign) with sustainability as a common objective in terms of:

  • greater efficiency in the use of material resources and energy
  • generation of lower environmental impacts during the production and end-of-life phases of a product
  • use of bio-based materials or materials that are more respectful of human health, within a circular economy
  • etc.

Chimica HTS offers consultancy on the Ecodesign Regulation, on the DPP and specialized support on the practical application of product Ecodesign, essential for companies that aspire to sustainability.

It is possible to design a product from birth according to sustainability criteria (Ecodesign) with the aim of improving its environmental performance throughout its entire life cycle.

Thanks to our experiences and multidisciplinary know-how, we are able to offer a complete Ecodesign service, but also simpler support in creating a database of ingredients classified based on sustainability indices and analyses.

An example:
Ecodesign service for the cosmetics, detergents and chemical preparations sector

In particular, towards the cosmetics and detergents and chemical preparations sector we offer:

  • R&D support through the creation of the database of available ingredients/raw materials classifying them according to sustainability indices that allow for the formulation of more sustainable products in the development phase.
  • a 360° Ecodesign service which concerns the development of products starting from the integration of environmental aspects already in the product design phase and from the early conception phases.
life cycle assessment lca, analisi ciclo di vita

Why rely on Chimica HTS for Ecodesign Consulting?

The collaboration with Chimica HTS means not only guaranteeing the environmental compliance of its products but also positioning itself as a leader in sustainability in the sector. Our experience in the sector allows us to provide customized solutions that reflect your commitment to a greener future, making your company a reliable partner in ecodesign. Through the optimization of production processes and sustainable innovation, Chimica HTS helps your company overcome the challenges that will be posed by the Ecodesign Regulation, improving the efficiency and environmental impact of your products right now. This not only allows you to already begin a process of gradual adaptation to the new rules, allowing you to dilute investments over time, but strengthens your brand image by opening up new market opportunities in a period increasingly oriented towards sustainability.

To become an example of sustainability, rely on Chimica HTS. Our Ecodesign consultancy will guide you towards sustainable success. Contact us today to find out how we can support you in your green transition.

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Discover the other sustainability services

In addition to ecodesign consultancy, you may also be interested in the following sustainability services that Chimica HTS can offer you:

Green Marketing Consulting   LCA consultancy   Ecolabel consultancy  


Regulatory update